Forestry News
In January 2023, we published our draft Seven Generation Plan onto our Ntityix Resources website. This plan is intended to direct our planning and operations well into the future. We plan to regularly update the plan with the information we receive. Some feedback has already been received so there will be an update to the plan later this spring. In terms of plans, we began the process of updating our Ntityix Resources Strategic Plan earlier this winter and hope to have it finalized and posted on our website this spring. Again, your feedback is welcome.
We began some harvesting activities in the West Kettle area this winter. The logging consists of harvesting small patches generally less than 5 hectares in size and leaving standing trees within these patches.
As we look forward to spring, we will be planting approximately 350,000 seedlings this year including 1,000 st̓ɬqíɬəmlx (Black Huckleberry), 1,000 sx̌ʷusmíɬp (Soapberry) and 1,000 birch.
If you have any questions or concerns about what you see on the land or what Ntityix Resources is doing please give us a call or send me an email. We would love to hear from you
limlǝmt, Dave Gill.