Proposed Sort Yard


July 2024 - Ntityix Resources LP (NRLP) has been selling logs from WFN held tenures for more than 15 years. These logs are sorted in the bush on active logging sites and sold to mills at prices set by the customer with often little room for negotiation. Logs are processed in the bush to meet the needs of the mill, sometime at the expense of timber utilization and value to the log seller.

A Log Sort will enable NRLP to bring unsorted logs to a location where, in a controlled location, they can be cut to maximize value and utilization. Control of the merchandising and log sorting process would be transferred from the existing log buyer and logging contractor to an in-house controlled process.

A Log Sort generates value by carefully extracting high value logs that would normally be mixed in with bush sorts and producing high quality sorts free of defect for a range of products. These sorts can be made available to a variety of customers, including our existing ones, thereby introducing more competition and higher prices for the logs. A high-quality sort will demand a premium over bush sorts by providing improved log quality and lengths that come from processing logs in a controlled environment and one not based exclusively on production, as happens in the bush. Timber utilization is improved at a Log Sort and any waste produced can be processed into residual products and sold instead of being burned in the bush.

Logs that will continue to be sorted in the bush and delivered directly to log customers will include:

  • Obvious pulp

  • Sawlogs <14 inches at the butt

We anticipate approximately 55% of the volume harvested from WFN tenures will be directed to the Log Sort with the remaining 45% delivered directly from the bush to the appropriate mill. While still a concept, NRLP intends to complete a feasibility study and meet with interested parties and stakeholders in the coming months.


  1. Overview Map

  2. 5000 Scale Map

  3. Proposed log sort KMZ