Forestry News
Ntityix Resources has been working on several projects over the past few months. The abrupt change from summer to winter at the end of October created some problems with access and getting all our field work done.
We continue to adapt our harvesting practices having smaller opening sizes and leaving more trees standing within our harvest areas. We completed a project near Silver Lake and look forward to touring this area with community members interested in seeing these practices. Our Forestry Crew continues to complete wildfire mitigation projects both across the Community Forest and locally around Westbank.
We received funding from the Forest Enhancement Society of BC to complete additional treatments on the Community Forest near Glenrosa and Smith Creek next year. In January 2023, we will publish our draft Seven Generation Stewardship Plan onto our Ntityix Resources website. This plan is intended to direct our planning and operations well into the future.
We’d like to hear your feedback. We understand that a plan like this is never done, it only gets better over time as we hear from you and improve our knowledge and understanding of the land, we’re so privileged to be working on.
limlǝmt, Dave Gill.